Elk NetworkRMEF Founders Permanently Honored in Bronze

General | August 22, 2024

(Left to right: RMEF co-founders Charlie Decker, Bob Munson, RMEF President/CEO Kyle Weaver & RMEF Board of Directors Chair Fred Lekse)

“On behalf of the entire organization,” declared Fred Lekse, chair of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s Board of Directors, ‘we dedicate these bronzes in honor of our founders.”


And with that, RMEF President and CEO Kyle Weaver removed the black cloth coverings, unveiling two life-sized bronze statues of RMEF co-founders Charlie Decker and Bob Munson. The two men, along with their families, gave their time, efforts and many sacrifices to bring the hunter-based conservation group to life in 1984.

Now, sparkling under the Montana sunshine, the bronzes will forever stand guard outside the front doors of RMEF headquarters to “ensure that we never stray from the humble beginnings from which we were formed,” as Lekse said, three months earlier at the organization’s 40th anniversary celebration.

Below are some of the words and images from the bronze unveiling celebration.

Bob Munson: “I’m thrilled to be here as is my wife, Vicki. On a wing and a prayer, I think Charlie would agree that’s the case, we started the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. We had no clue what we were going to do. Because of every single person here – that is why the Elk Foundation is so successful. We have fun. We don’t forget what it means to have real collegiality and comradery. And still shooting for the stars is why the Elk Foundation will continue to go forward. I’m thrilled to be here. Thank you so much.”

Charlie Decker: “It’s a very humbling event for me. I’m frequently asked, “Did you ever think it would get this big?” I reflect on that and it’s been the people. It’s been the right people at the right time throughout our history that believed in something. It’s been our staff, our board and all the volunteers who work their hearts out for the organization. And then there’s the big guy upstairs. The good Lord has really blessed this organization. In hindsight, I have no business being up here. I’m just a regular guy. There’s a reason it happened this way and I just thank the Lord for that. I thank each one of you for coming out today and thank you.”

Bob and wife Vicki on right

Yvonne, Charlie and their sons

Decker and Munson also presented their Founders Award, given to a former employee for work ethic, dedication and passion, to Dan Crockett, recently retired 30-year senior editor of Bugle magazine.

Dan Crockett: “What an honor to be here on the same stage with these guys. This is as good as it gets, really and truly. Bob always said the Elk Foundation was about three things and that’s habitat, habitat, habitat, but then about two seconds later he’d say, ‘Really it’s all about the people.’ Charlie is blunter than that. He’d say, ‘The people at the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation are the best people on earth.’ They were both right. Absolutely, 100 percent, that’s what this thing’s all about. Then again, my mentor Lance, who started Bugle and really made this thing what it is, when he handed the reigns back to me back in ‘92, his whole advice was, ‘Always remember that we are the voice of wild elk.’ That’s what we did. That’s what you guys still are. As long as you follow that, how can you go wrong? It’s just a great outfit. So proud to have been a part of it, just a small part, but it’s been the honor of my life. Thank you for this. I appreciate it.”

Left to right: Yvonne and Charlie Decker, Vicki and Bob Munson

(Photo credit: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation)